Real Property Master Planning and Programming Services
Managing a large facilities portfolio is challenging. It requires an understanding of the condition, configuration, use and functional adequacy of the buildings to support the mission of the tenants that inhabit them. Maintaining the facilities requires developing strategies for lifecycle maintenance and programming the renovation and construction projects necessary to keep pace with the changing environment. At GEO, we provide comprehensive planning and programming services that provide planners and facility managers with the information necessary to successfully manage and sustainably develop their real property portfolio. From requirements analysis to capital investment strategies, area and installation development plans, DD1391 development and beyond, we provide you the services you need to get you from vision to project execution.
Our services include:
- United Facilities Criteria (UFC) Compliant Installation and Area Development Plans
- Capital Improvement Plans
- Requirements Analysis
- Installation Status Report (ISR-I) Surveys
- Asset Evaluation (AE) Surveys
- Internet Navy Facilities Assets Data Store (iNFADS) edits
- Real Property Validation Surveys · DD 1391 Development
- Initial DD 1354 Development · Army Stationing and Installation Plan (ASIP) Surveys
- Space Utilization Surveys · Space and Facility Use Plans (SUP/FUS)
- Facility Planning Document (FPD) Development · Basic Facility Requirements (BFR) Surveys
- Real Property Planning and Analysis System (RPLANS) TAB Analysis and Requirements Edits
And much more…
Our Clients Include:
U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Department of the Army
U.S. Department of the Air Force
U.S. Department of the Navy
U.S. Marine Corps